
Guisi Lighthouse, Guimaras

Guisi Lighthouse
Touching the walls of Guisi Lighthouse or Faro de Punta Luzaran is the most exciting part of my backpacking in Guimaras. It is the second oldest lighthouse in the Philippines, lighted up for the first time in 1894. This structure was erected in the 18th century to guide the mariners passing by the waters of Ilo-Ilo and Guimaras. Its structure is made of metal from France, tisa from Portugal and cement from England. The floor plan, based on the ruins, is similar to Burgos Lighthouse in Ilocos Norte and the Cape EngaƱo Lighthouse in Palaui Island. Today, the thick walls are covered with mosses and plants and the rusty metal lighthouse remains erect. The ambience in the area is relaxing because of the cool sea breeze.

Location, How to Get Here, My Travel to Guimaras: 
The nearest airport in Guimaras is in Ilo-Ilo City. From the airport, take a cab to Parola Port (the gateway to Guimaras). In my case, since I stayed in Ong Bun Pension House Ilo-Ilo City, I followed the instructions provided by the guard. Just two blocks away, I rode in the jeepney with ARU/GPU signboard and alighted by the entrance of Parola Port, for a minimum fare. Then, bought a ferry ticket bound for Guimaras Wharf. The dock and go of the ferries are continues every 30 minutes. The travel time from the port to Guimaras is only 15 minutes.

Contact Person, Day Tour Guide
One of the recommended habal driver/tour guide in Guimaras is Kuya Stephen. You can contact him on ph: 09953494196.

Room Rates, Budget Friendly and Affordable Place to Stay in Guimaras:
As mentioned, I stayed in Ilo-Ilo City, but I found a great resort with a great ambiance by the beach. It's Raymen Beach Resort in Alubihod, Nueva Valencia. For reservation, they can be contacted on ph: 09185207271.