
Guimaras Tourist Spots

Guimaras Tourist Spots

When we talk about mangoes, Guimaras will definitely be brought up on the topic because it is said that they have the “Sweetest Mango in the Philippines.” In relation to that, their local delicacies, with mango, are just mouth-watering. The residents must be proud of their breathtaking and stunning beaches, historical sites and other activities. They also have Manggahan Festival, an annual festivity to thank their bountiful mango harvest. It is a small island province that can be visited for the whole day but they can offer a lot to visitors.

Guimaras tourist spots itinerary

Location, How to Get Here, My Travel to Guimaras: This is my Day 5 – Solo Backpacking in Western Visayas. Upon searching, I found that the resorts in Guimaras are expensive, so I booked an overnight stay at Ong Bun Pension House in Ilo-Ilo City for only 400 pesos. Ong Bun is walking distance from Robinson's Place and a jeepey ride to Parola Port and to get here, I followed the instructions provided by the guards. Two blocks away, I rode in the jeepney with ARU/GPU signboard and alighted by the entrance of Parola Port for a minimum fare. Then, bought a ferry ticket for 15 pesos and logged my name. The dock and go of the ferries are continues every 30 minutes. Travel Time: 15 minutes.

The Smallest Plaza in the Philippines

1. The Smallest Plaza in the Philippines

At the port, I met Kuya Ken with his stunning new motorcycle. Our first destination was the Smallest Plaza in the Philippines and the former Guinness Book of World Records holder of the same title; 15-20 minutes away from the port. The plaza is around 200 to 300 square meters area, with the Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal in the middle, and the highway and residents houses on the side. According to Kuya Ken, during their annual fiesta, all the attendees are being fit into this small plaza. This means that this tiny plaza witnessed most of the gigantic historical events in the province.

tourist spots in Guimaras

2. Guimaras Signboard

Next is the signboard by the capitol grounds. This is the place where I had a glimpse of the history of the province. According to what is written: “In early as 1581, this island was already known and called by several names. The earliest records of its name, Guimaras, was given by a Portuguese mariner in honor of his country and birthplace – Guimaras. Others say that a Spanish missionary name the island after a peninsula in Portugal called Guimaras, or from the names of places in Spain.” I can barely read the details below this paragraph.

Guimaras Mango Plantation

3. Mango Plantation

The province is always associated with “the sweetest mangoes” in the Philippines, so, visiting one of the mango plantations is a must. According to studies, the province has a volcanic soil that very good for cultivating mangoes; as a result, their mangoes are the sweetest in the country. As mentioned, they have Manggahan Festival celebrated annually to thank their bountiful mango harvest. Their local government actually invested in infrastructures that will help the mango farmers to harvest more.

Trappist Monastery Guimaras

4. Trappist Monastery

My fourth destination was Our Lady of the Philippines Monastery or the Trappist Monastery. It is the home of the Christian Monks in the Philippines founded in 1972. For Catholic believers, it’s the perfect spots for retreat, but for those who are looking for something to eat or pasalubong, it is also the perfect spot for you. The monastery has gift shop with a lot of products; from souvenirs (like shirts, key chains, ref magnet and other local products) to sumptuous biscuits, piaya, and other local food products from mango.

Darwin Dalisay
Trappist Monastery gift Shop

Lawi Bay Guimaras

5. The view deck of Lawi Bay

Alubihod Beach

6. The fine white sand beach of Alubihod.

We were in a hurry because we felt rain drops on our skin and the cumulus clouds started forming on the sky. At 10 AM, we reached Raymen Beach Resort in Alubihod, Nueva Valencia. Paid 25 pesos for the day tour entrance fee. Alubihod beach has fine white sand, emerald crystal clear waters, and gigantic rock formations on the side. During my visit, there were less than 20 people by the beach, so I thought that the ambiance was relaxing. Stayed here for an hour. Must tried activities in Alubihod are swimming, island hopping, jet skiing, and many more. Usually, these services are offered by the beach resort owners. WHERE TO STAY: Raymen Beach Resort, can be contacted on 09185207271.

Guisi Lighthouse

7. Guisi Lighthouse or Faro de Punta Luzaran

The next was the most and exciting part – touching the walls of Guisi Lighthouse or Faro de Punta Luzaran. It is the second oldest light house in the Philippines, lighted up for the first time in 1894. This structure was erected in 18th century to guide the mariners passing by. Its structure is made of metal from France, tisa from Portugal and cement from England. Today, the thick walls covered with mosses and plants and the rusty metal lighthouse remains erected.

Guimaras tourist spots
The plants hanging, with the rusty metal lighthouse on the background.

Guimaras tourist spots
The thick walls, with my floral sando.

On the southwestern coastline of the province, tourists can also visit Guisi Beach and the Guisi Rock Formations. On its coastline, there’s a yellowish sand, crystal clear waters, towering and artistic rock formations, plus there’s a preserved tranquility. Resort owners offer island hopping, snorkeling and other water activities.

8. Pitstop Restaurant - Best Place to Eat in Guimaras

It's almost lunch time, so Kuya Ken brought me to the Pitstop Restaurant – they have the best flavors. Had my super light lunch – double sized pizza and cucumber lemonade. Inside, I saw familiar faces, those faces that I’ve been seeing on the spots that I also visited.

Guimaras Windmills

9. Guimaras Windmills

The next and my last destination was the Guimaras Windmills. It’s a wide area with 27 gigantic wind turbines that harness electricity from the wind. The island is surrounded by the seas, so it’s a perfect location for renewable because of its sea breeze. According to Kuya Ken, the harnessed energy is being transported to Ilo-Ilo City via cables submerged into the water. There’s a registration but no entrance fee. Also, we talked about the proposed bridge that will supposedly connect the province to Ilo-Ilo, however, it was declined because it can damage the living underwater creatures. Then, my tour guide brought me to the Port. Settled the fee and at 3 PM, I boarded on the ferry and left the island.

My flight was 7:45 PM, so I still had a lot of free time. Wearing the same outfit, not sure about my smell, upon arrival in Parola Port, Ilo-Ilo, I asked one of the guards for my route to SM City Ilo-Ilo via jeeney and he responded with smile. I was mesmerized by his smile, so I followed his instructions. By the port, I rode in a jeepney with “Super” signboard. Alighted by the plaza near the city hall. Crossed the street and another ride on a jeepney with “SM or Robinsons” signboard. Had a coffee break at Starbucks for more than an hour, then rode in a taxi to the Airport.