
Memories of my Olympus Tough Camera

Olympus Tough
My Olympus Tough digital camera is now five years. With this span of years I was able to capture beautiful, stunning, and vibrant memories because of its lens. Regardless of scenes, either mountains, historical sites, beaches, underwater, nature, and many others, Olympus Tough is really strong in bringing a great outcome. Photos below are just some of the dramatic images taken outdoors using my Olympus Tough TG-320.

Olympus Macro Shoot
 Oympus macro shoot works really well for tiny subjects.

Best Macro Shoot
 A great memory of a bug having her lunch.

Boracay Island
 The vivid photo of Boracay Island on June 6, 2013. This photograph answers the question: “Why Boracay Island is famous in the world?” Boracay has changed a lot, now it has the amazing combination of people, culture, and foods but the landscape and picturesque remains the same. My Olympus Tough captured the lively blue colors of the skies and the waters separated by the horizon. The coconut trees give elegant shadows on the fine white sand shore. More photos of Boracay Island, Click Here>>>

Dampalitan Island
 Fine white sand beach at Dampalitan Island, Quezon on Refbruary 3, 2013. The features of Dampalitan Island is pretty much the same with Boracay, like the fine white sand beaches, cool sea breeze, amazing shadows from the trees and the pleasing landscape. But, Dampalitan remains untouched without any concrete structures built. More photos of Dampalitan Island, Click Here >>>

Borawan Island
Looking for the transparent jellyfish at Borawan Island, Quezon on May 16, 2016. Borawan is just 15 to 20 minutes travel from Dampalitan Island. Its name Borawan was derived from Boracay, because of its fine white sand and Palawan because of its gorgeous rock formations. Being able to use my Olympus Tough few meters underwater and capture great photographs is another feature that I love about. More photos of Borawan Island, Click Here >>>

Puerto Galera
Underwater shoot at Puerto Galera on November 15, 2015. As what I mentioned above, being able to use my Olympus Tough without sacrificing the quality of the photographs is just one of the features that I love about. I am afraid with underwater but with its Optical and Digital Zoom, am able to capture gorgeous scenes while doing snorkeling. More photos of our Puerto Galera escapade, Click Here >>>

Whang Od
Beauty on top of the mountain of Buscalan, Kalinga, on January 28, 2016. Cordillera region is a mountainous area with a colder temperature than the rest of the country, creating a vibrant green landscape because of the thick forest areas. My Olympus always made sure that each of the photographs taken appears exactly the same wih the scene. More photos from Kalinga, Click Here>>>

Whang Od
Inked by Whang Od, the oldest tribal tattoo artist or mambabatok in Kalinga, on January 29, 2016. During the tattoo session, Whang Od uses a piece of wood to hit a bamboo (at the end is a citrus thorn covered with the ink) and every time she hits that bamboo, the thorn penetrates on the skin. Captured by a friend using my Olympus Tough’s macro shoot, I saw the blood coming out from my skin few minutes after the tattoo session. More photos during my tattoo session with Whang Od, Click Here >>>

Mt. Apo
Storm on the summit of Mt. Apo, the tallest mountain in the Philippines on November 8, 2015. What’s really good about my Olympus Tough is that, it can handle different seasons. Photo above describes how stormy our visit was, but Olympus gave us remarkable photos, even in low temperature and underwater. Your ordinary DSLR can’t do that. More photos during our Mt. Apo adventure, Click Here >>>

Mt. Mantalingajan
 The crescent summit of Mt. Mantalingajan, on January 24, 2014. This is said to be one of the most difficult mountains to hike in the Philippines, so hikers really need to prepare physically and emotionally. Not only that, you also need to bring something that can capture every moments while on the trail. And on the summit, my Olympus Tough gave me a vivid photo. More photos during our hike on Mt. Mantalingajan, Click Here >>>

Mt. Pulag
Watching the Sea of Clouds on the summit of Mt. Pulag, on February 17, 2013. Pulag is well-known because of its gorgeous shape, cool ambiance and the sea of clouds. During our hike, we experienced an almost negative temperature on the summit but good thing that I was using my Olympus Tough which is capable of capturing photos regardless of the temperature. Check out our photos captured during our hike on Mt. Pulag, Click Here >>>