Fort San Pedro

Fort San Pedro

The Fort San Pedro or Fuerza de San Pedro situated inside the Plaza Independencia, Cebu City. It is is a military defense structure built by the Spaniards and the locals of Cebu under the command of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, a Spanish conquistador. The date of its construction wasn't sure but there are claims that Jesuit Antonio Campioni built the fort in 1630. Like the other century old churches in the Philippines, there are a lot of major renovations in the 19th century for the structural improvements of Cebu.

Fort San Pedro history

This historical site has a total area of 2,025 square meters, the walls are 20 feet high, 8 feet thick and the towers are 30 feet from the ground. Majority of the structures are are made up of coral stones, thus, during the renovations in the 19th century, the laborers hauled the stones under the sea and coastal shores of Cebu. The stones were cut and polished according to the appearance of the original stones on the wall to make it balance.

Fort San Pedro entrance fee

Fort San Pedro location

The purpose of Fort San Pedro is the same as Fort Santiago in Manila - it was used to repulse the Muslim raiders. It served as a strong wall and protected the Filipino revolutionaries.  There were major renovations done in this site in 19th century as part of the structural improvements of Cebu City.

Cebu Tourist Spots
The Design: Architecture, Interior, Exterior: Since the fort is triangular in shape, it contains three bastions; in South West - La Concepcion; in South East - Ignacio de Loyola and in North East - San Miguel. Each of the sides are unequal in lengths, then the side facing the land has the main entrance which contains some of the paintings, old pictures, newspapers and the black and white pictures of the people who served as the leader of this wall and in the province.