
Rajah Humabon Monument, Cebu City

Rajah Humabon
Rajah Humabon, also known as Rajah Hamabar, was the Rajah or a leader of Zubu (now Cebu) during Ferdinand Magellan's exploration in the Philippines in 1521. According to the writings on the marble plate that can be found in Plaza Hamabar Marker: Rajah Humabon was the first Filipino chieftain to embrace Christianity. Regraded as the wisest and bravest man in the island. When Ferdinand Magellan landed on Cebu on Sunday, April 7, 1521, Rajah Humabon made a blood compact with Magellan as a symbol of their new found friendship. Captivated by its noble teachings, Rajah Humabon was converted into Christianity.

The History of Cebu:

On Sunday Morning, April 14, 1521, Humabon and his wife, Humamai and about 800 Cebuano's were baptized. Humabon was given the name Carlos in honor of King Charles V of Spain and his wife Queen Juana after King Charle's mother. This monument is just few meters away from Cebu Cathedral.