
PHOTOS: Mount Apo - Day 1

Hiking Mt. Apo was a tough adventure, but it was a life changing experience for me. Despite of some technical factors, like extreme coldness, tiring hike and etc., that measured my strength. I was able to conquer my own fears. It's hard to tell and explain, I am leaving my photos to you.

Loading our backpack to a Habal-habal | 7:19 AM | Trekking started: 8:30 AM

First take give | 10:15 AM

at the carrot plantation, of course with carrots at the background

the gorgeous and gradual trail | 11:02 AM

Lunch break on trail | 12:15 PM

Ascending trail to Tinikaran Camp site | 2:10 PM

Define smile | First groupie at the Tinikaran Marker | 2:30 PM

Preparing our dinner | Before sunset